It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Today, the Iraqi people vote for the first time in a long time. We tell our selves that voting is freedom. Unfortunately, I can't call what they are doing true freedom. The Electoral Collage isn't what I would call freedom. In Iraq, they are voting for a party. The situation is so dangerous, that they can't put names on the ballot. That sounds like a place in need of some freedom, if not true freedom. The U.S. has done OK so far. It is easy to be cynical. Hopeful is the hard thing. Today, I'm hopeful for the people of Iraq and the people of the U.S.
Israel says they plan to move out of the West Bank towns. Abbas and Sharon are making noises like they intend to talk. I say hallelujah. Just the want, just the idea is good.

Color Scheme
Scotch desktop color scheme.I'm trying a new color scheme on my desktop. I call it "Scotch". OK, I originally called it "amber", but that was boring. What do you think? It is much easier on the eyes, yet it is still readable.

Goofy Headline
"OPEC Approves of $50 Oil, Holds Output"
Give me a break. I bet OPEC would approve of $80 a Barrel oil with even a bigger smile on their face as they stroll to the bank. OPEC is a cartel. This means they gang up and tell every one else in the world to pay up or get no oil.

"Stop Fidgeting"
I remember being told all my school life to sit still or stop fidgeting. Now it turns out the people who can't sit still may have it right. Who knew?

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