It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Bachelor party
I went to a friend's bachelor party a million years ago. I have always had something against visiting a topless bar. I definitely cannot pay for sex. It isn't some moral issue, it is an observation I've made over my life. I thought I could do it. I thought I could over come my limitation at my friend's bachelor party. We went to a room where some one said “This is where the private dances will happen.” I felt trapped. I walked out to a small area I suppose would be called an atrium to gather my thoughts. I actually climbed over the five foot wall to get out of the house rather than go back through the front room to leave. I couldn't face the woman. I waited in the car the rest of the evening.
Trust me, it would be great if I could just bring myself to pay for sex. It is cheaper than keeping a girlfriend happy. It just isn't something I can do. I remember my bachelor party. “No strippers.” If I never have sex again, I will be glad if I never paid for it.

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