It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Harry Potter
They (BBC) say there is a fake out there of the latest book. They mentioned a sharing service that sounded quite a bit like Overnet/eDonkey. I'm on the job. I've only read the first two books. I really should get the other two out now done first. I downloaded a text version of Harry Potter so I could get the computer to read it to me. I don't feel a bit bad having downloaded it for that reason. There are quite a few books I would have loved to have read. I can't think of a single one at the moment.

God's Plan
I get upset when things don't go my way.
I rant and rave, I curse the day.

Helpless and alone with soles all around.
I see God's grace abound.

What is God's plan for me?
Will I know it when I see?

I tread on God's ground, I breath God's breath.
I will feel God's hand the day of my death.

Might I be here to help another?
Shall I save a child or mother?

Will I ever know when I'm done?
Should I just sit and enjoy the sun?

Everything will be just fine.
It's God's plan, not mine.

I do not like this poem. It didn't come out anything like I planned. It's funny how that happens.

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