It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Many years. I don’t think I’m in any of these people’s email lists so I’m good? No, I think the Chinese have been snooping on all mail. You know, just like the NSA.

I survived leaving my phone at work last night. Elle texted me they were on site to pick me up and I was in such a hurry that i never bothered putting it in my pocket before walking out the door. You know what? It wasn’t all that bad. I set my old alarm clock. I woke up before my alarm clock and switched it off. I wonder if that makes the alarm clock feel inadequate?

Looks like as of Sunday, it is only the nineties for several days. Must be a cold front.

I will never come up with a tattoo worthy of my body. Maybe when I’m so old that it makes zero difference. By then you will just print or zap them on the skin. Maybe even change them at a whim. What will be the point then?

Maritime insurance companies do not change their rates for the Bermuda triangle. Therefore, it does not exist. End of discussion.

War in Iran in 2026. Well, by then I guess. The exact same shit is going down for iran that happened in Iraq before those wars.

In Britain, farmers say it costs thirty cents to make a liter of milk. They get something like twenty one cents for each liter. Guess what. A bunch are going to get out of the business. That should fix things. It will be a pound fifty next year and they will ask why no one did anything back when it was so cheap.

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