It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Air, gravity, sunlight. These and many other things have one thing in common. We need them absolutely to survive. We hold them in zero or low value until we don’’t have them.

yesterday, I had to reshoot a scene that I shot for my vlog because I still had my badge on. I had some time between end of work and getting picked up so I went to the roof of the parking garage and shot some meaningless video. It was fun to do. I just wish I could have fun with it and still have people watch.

The Republican party is starting to show threads at the scheme. Some funky stuff is going down right now in that party. Neither of the political parties that run this country are religions. They are made of people. What is going to happen? I hope there is a major split right down the middle of the Right party. I want religious people on one side and nonreligious people on the other.

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