It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


In the name of Cybersecurity

It cracks me up listening to NPR stories and Marketplace on APM have stories about hacking. They don’t understand that the internet is a bunch of numbers bouncing around on a bunch of wires. Sometimes you can block stuff and sometimes you cannot.

The Great Firewall of China is sometimes called the Great Siv of China because it is so full of holes. Every time they close one, five more open. It might very well not be the Chinese government's official line to hack other governments and companies. It is happening. It needs to stop, Either the Chinese government needs to be proactive, or at least allow outside entities come in and defend themselves.

Many, including me, fear that this will simply lead to countries erecting walls. Inside these walls, only money making entities will get the nod to have their content online. Moneymaking because they will have to pay some sort of security tax to be allowed to present their wares. This will spell the end of the internet as a place for normal people speak their minds.

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