It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


A country actually declares war on another country

In case you’d already gone to bed and missed it, (like me) it appears that the latest in the line of vertically challenged Dear Leaders in North Korea has had enough of the United States and South Korea doing… whatever it is we do that annoys them, I guess. Probably all that bothersome food we make sure they get each year. Anyway, they’ve found their casus belli and have decided to declare war.

It is refreshing if I’m honest. So often, one country simply invades another country calling it a police action. There is some kind of puppet government put in place and then things just stagnate.Finally, a country stps up and says “This means WAR!!!”

That article goes on to mention the celebrities who visit the current most hated country in the world just because they can get away with it. More, the sheer amount of food we send over there is the only thing that keeps the normal people from starving. When will the world stop playing the North Korean game?

Joking aside, I hope this is just another ploy to get more supplies from the powers that be. It would suck to have Samsung go offline because North Korea decided today was the day.



Air, gravity, sunlight. These and many other things have one thing in common. We need them absolutely to survive. We hold them in zero or low value until we don’’t have them.

yesterday, I had to reshoot a scene that I shot for my vlog because I still had my badge on. I had some time between end of work and getting picked up so I went to the roof of the parking garage and shot some meaningless video. It was fun to do. I just wish I could have fun with it and still have people watch.

The Republican party is starting to show threads at the scheme. Some funky stuff is going down right now in that party. Neither of the political parties that run this country are religions. They are made of people. What is going to happen? I hope there is a major split right down the middle of the Right party. I want religious people on one side and nonreligious people on the other.


How many times Will I show up to someone’s desk and whatever the problem was vanishes? This is the curse of IT. It is the computer system telling pulling that old trick of acting all nice and proper while teacher is looking. Someday someone will prove this is some kind of quantum balancing that happens and is indeed real.

This sort of thing happens to doctors and mechanics. Just recently, our Carola had an issue with the breaks that pulled this kind of thing. It happens all the time. I suppose plumbers occasionally run in to it.

What is the proper name for this?

dissoccurence: A problem that refuses to happen when you want it to, or in front of someone who could probably fix it.

IT Magic (dissoccurence)
dissoccurence: A problem that refuses to happen when you want it to, or in front of someone who could probably fix it.

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  • Get there and the problem goes away
  • What is the proper name for this? dissoccurence.
  • Curse, why IT love to have the problem reoccur
  • Computers acting like bullies
  • Mechanics, doctors
  • Example, the recent breaks issue on the Carola
  • Quontum


Now when I setup computers for whatever, the first thing I need to worry about is software licenses. If I got no license, I got no install. This is a huge change for developers. They have been able to just stand up any box at a moment’s notice up to now.  Been that way in some of the casts since they left college. How things change.

Had a funny dream last night i was reloading ammo and making arrows for composite bows. I’ve been watching too much Walking Dead.

I am really liking OpenShot. It is far from perfect. It has some bugs. I like the interface. I like how text is handled. I like how they handle external editors for text and animation type stuff. So far, so fantastic. This is the first project I’ve really wanted to contribute to the Kickstart project. I’m just too broke. If they get the pledges, I believe they will make a Windows version. That would kick ass because of my current laptop situation. However, I hope to have that situation fixed well before the Windows port is ready.

I banged my right hand into a table while walking around work today. I hit a tendon on a corner of a heavy wooden desk. At first it felt fine. Then I noticed a twinger and a lump. Then typing hurt a bit. By the end of the day I started feeling much better. Still, there is a lump and some movements hurt. It is kind of annoying.

Paraphrasing someone in an interview on NPR this morning. “If they take money out of the banks by force in Cyprus, they will suffer a hemorrhage of deposits out of their banking system.” To this, I utter those immortal words “No shit!”

The Spain minister in charge of stealing money from citizens of Spain let it slip the other day that Cyprus was a template for future failures. This lead the the highest rate of flushing in Spain history over the next fifteen minutes.



Someday, I’ll be able to afford a new laptop.

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How does she know?

How does my wife know when I start listening to something that I really want to pay attention to? She is amazing on hitting me right in the middle of something like Belmont Club. I love this blog. This guy is a friggin genius and aware of his surroundings. He can boil things down to a thick paste of sense.

This is the first thing I look for in my feedly list. If there is a Belmont Club post, I jump straight into it without looking for alternatives.  One popped up this morning and net started chatting with me about faire and This Old House that is playing on TV.

Is there a posture or body language queue that I’m missing, but that women tell one another in hushed whispers behind closed doors? Are there meetings? Is there an online forum I could hack?


Public log

Got up this morning around 07:30.
Fucked around until about 09:30.
Mowed yard. Didn’t do any details Didn’t poison ants or weeds. Didn’t edge or weed whack. Don't waste trees.
More fucking about until 12:30 or something like that. Then took a nap.

We had intended to go to a friend’s mud bug party. I was going to sleep until someone woke me intending to leave for the party. I woke around 17:30 or so. Realizing it was too late for the party I made some sandwiches and ate the last of a bag of chips.

As of 21:39, I have accomplished nothing except watching a bunch of videos online and deciding that I really do need a new laptop. This one is nuts.

Now I’m watching Deeps Space Nine online. I’m about to publish this entyr. I can’t think of anything to video.



A story from my childhood.

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vlog, vlogging, story, anecdote, childhood, father,,pickup, eighties, roofing




I’ve noticed

  • Some of my audiocasts have a built in player show up when I click on them. It doesn’t work very well yet, but it is awesome.
  • I added some feeds and things just worked. However, there was some text showing up in a field that you had to remove before it added the feed. This has been fixed.
  • The search is kind of strange. Not sure what I’m searching all the time. Might just be me.

Just read in a blog that 2/3 North Koreans don’t know where their next meal is coming from. The leadership sends fighter just to China to get take out for the heck of it. I am ashamed to be on the same planet with these jokers. (the leadership, not the people)


Cyprus stealing from citizens

Cyprus stealing from citizens
This video is my opinion 100%.

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vlog, vlogging, cyprus, government, tyranny, revolution, riots, banks, investors, depositors, inflation,


Complaining about video editors

Complaining about video editors
OpenShot vs Kdenlive, a bitch session.

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TitleBus ride
DescriptionReally, this is me experimenting with OpenShot video editor. Deal with it.

Exotics Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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Tagsvlog vlogging, time lapse, timelapse, bus, city, travel,



TitleDeath of Google Reader
DescriptionMy thoughts on Google’s foolish decision to killing Google Reader.


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Tagsvlog, vlogging, google, google reader, microsoft, apple computer, cloud computing, rss, aggregator,
  • Places
    • Multiple machines
    • Multiple platforms
    • Phone, not going to use phone for the time being
  • Syncing across platforms (huge)
  • Bad interface
    • Unsubscribed to a whole folder.
    • Couldn’t move bits around
    • Importing exporting a pain in the ass
  • Emotional event
    • I sat there staring at the message last night
    • Don’t want to log in again
    • This makes me want to avoid other Google products
  • Alternatives
    • Software
    • Services
  • Any more of my favorite Google services dying?

In the name of Cybersecurity

It cracks me up listening to NPR stories and Marketplace on APM have stories about hacking. They don’t understand that the internet is a bunch of numbers bouncing around on a bunch of wires. Sometimes you can block stuff and sometimes you cannot.

The Great Firewall of China is sometimes called the Great Siv of China because it is so full of holes. Every time they close one, five more open. It might very well not be the Chinese government's official line to hack other governments and companies. It is happening. It needs to stop, Either the Chinese government needs to be proactive, or at least allow outside entities come in and defend themselves.

Many, including me, fear that this will simply lead to countries erecting walls. Inside these walls, only money making entities will get the nod to have their content online. Moneymaking because they will have to pay some sort of security tax to be allowed to present their wares. This will spell the end of the internet as a place for normal people speak their minds.


South by Southwest has become just another consumer show. Someone said it is more expensive than CES. Austin is like that. They are getting in to a convention mindset. One of the bloggers stopped and asked on his audiocast “What did I get out of SBSW? That is not a good sign.

It doesn’t matter how many things go right as long as one thing goes wrong.



Down with DST!!!

Something screwy is going on near my work. Over the last week or so a high number of fire trucks and ambulances have gone by my office. I wonder if a fire house got closed or opened nearby. This would lead to the pattern of responding changing. That or there is a firebug working a nearby area.

oooo! There is a Dark Avengers comic. Nice. Why am I only learning about this now?

My right eye is a bit sore. I wore my glasses yesterday because the entire weekend, my eyes were bugging me. I have a cough so my mucus membranes are probably jacked.  I’m trying the contacts today. My right eye has a spot where the contact feels like it is sticking to my eye. That is probably exactly what is happening. I took ti out and cleaned the contact and put a drop of the solution in my eye. That helped, but now the spot is just plane upset. This will probably happen the rest of the day. I will end up cleaning my contacts every night until I’m over this cough.

By the end of the day I was about ready to pull out my eye and rinse it in sync. One of the guys at work asked me how I do the contact thing. He said he tried it and they drove him nuts. I told him you get used to it after a year or three. He agreed. He also agreed that he didn’t need the aggravation.

Beard is getting ragged. Needs a trim.

Too many databases

At my work, a huge company, we have several asset tracking databases. We have a couple for the desktops. We have several for parts of things that go to customers. There are more than one database for every computer in every lab and everyone who has access and who is their boss.

It all boils down to too many databases. If you sit there and think about the trail of the needs of different departments. Some of these database have the exact same data with different relationships to other data. Some have the same data and pretty much the same relationships. The latter come about when a group of people who already have a database will not share the data, or control over the data with another group of people who need pretty much the same data and relationships.

From the company point of view this kind of thing is a nightmare. The idea is to know what you have, what it is used for, where it is and who has control of it. When you have fifteen databases all with basically the same repeating data, but none compatible with the next, the company loses continuity.

The employees who have to deal with the fifteen databases waste time dealing with redundant information entry. The idea of entering the same, but slightly different data into several databases also causes loss of data. Stuff starts falling through the cracks. People want to enter into their favorite database and blow off the databases that do not make sense to them.

The solution is to consolidate and organize databases. Get your data in the place where it will do you some good. That is much easier said than done.



DescriptionYou too can enjoy the mowing of my yard. And, it’s free.

There It Is Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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Tagsvlog, vlogging, yard work, lawn, house work, home, time lapse, timelapse, cowboy hat



DescriptionThis one is random as anything I’ve ever done on You?Tube.

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Tagsvlog, vlogging, random, memories, childhood, reminisce, old times, family, history


You can say you are accurate, but be wrong.
You can say you are precise, but be wrong.

Accurate means means you can hit the same spot over and over.
Precise means you can pick the spot you want to hit and hit it.

The spot could be the wrong spot. You can substitute the word “spot” with “decision”:, “goal”, or “fact” and you get where I’m headed with this line of thought.

The next time you hear a reporter call their story “accurate” remember, they could still be wrong.



Does English look like chicken scratch to people who grew up using Chinese Characters?

There is a guy who wrote a book that is pictures and history of abandon luggage left behind by insane asylum inmates. If this is a book worthy topic, I have not one creative bone in my body. Still, I want to freakin’ know what is in those suitcases.

I’m getting sick of pb&j for lunch. Need to think of something different for next week. Something less messy as well.

The Pirate Bay website has been invited to park their servers in North Korea. Well, not really.  The IP traffic will rout through North Korea. The servers will stay put.

Tired, sleepy, worne out. Ready for bed. Still, today was pretty good.