It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



The grass was soaked this morning. The due point must have been in the negatives. Yesterday evening on the way home, I smelled a lot of smoke over a large area of my walk. I think, even though the wind was blowing, the smoke was being held on the ground by some atmospheric anomaly.

My inbox went empty early this morning for about 10 minutes. It was relaxing.

G. Gordon Liddy had a car salesman on talking about the Chevy Volt. He called it a "coffee table car". It is good for starting a conversation about going green, but no one who doesn't have money to burn wants one.

I don't really have a drink of choice. I need some ideas. What do you guys suggest.

Iceland used to have a women's prison. They had to give it up. There were three convicts.

The weight loss industry is thriving. It fails 85% of the time. -Dr. Karl.

Video ideas

  • Linux rebooting and pointing to a USB key
  • Useful tattoos
  • Phone rebooting
  • /user/sbin, why?

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