It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



What is the future of TV? In 5 years it is a 1.5 meter wide smart phone. What will it take to kill TV? If football and other sports wise up and make their own web pages for live broadcasts, they can quite literally write their own ticket. Two to five years after that, there will be no television industry as it stands today. This is not my prediction.

The company that does Twinkies is in trouble. Hostess is going down. Hopefully, they will slice Twinkies off and someone else will pick them up.

I had a chill this morning. I'm not sure if it is because I went back to bed after I got up and ready to go or if it is just because the air seemed thinner this morning. Today is warmer than yesterday. Tomorrow will be colder. It will keep getting colder until Friday. Then we will have a freeze they say. For the first couple hours this morning I wore my stocking cap. More than a couple people are walking around with their jackets on.

It isn't dark for blind folks. It is never dark.

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