It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Lunch conversation

  • Chinese food vs American food from a person from China's perspective. This was highly informative and interesting. I learned a lot.
    • Chinese food is typically more bland.
    • Hot and sour soup in China is neither hot nor sour. You have to add a bit of hot sauce and vinegar to get the same effect as the U. S. stuff.
    • Meats are spiced much differently in China. Strawberry covered sausage on a stick was an example.
    • The McDonald's one of the guys was familiar with in China had a rice burger for a while where the bread was replaced with sticky rice. That sounds kind of good if I'm honest.
    • One of the pork dishes was skin, fat and a little bit of meat cut in to cubes. He never got used to that. I wouldn't either.
  • Fedora 14 won't let you log in to the GUI as root (admin). The newer linux flavors are getting to the point they want to lock people out of making changes so they have less support issues. This will kill Linux in our opinion.
  • Republican candidates and their foibles. People seem to hope that some magic independent will spring from the wood work. Not going to happen.

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