It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



There is a school of thought that says coffee or more specifically caffeine does not really wake you up. It mainly alleviates your addiction to caffeine. This makes you feel better in that the reaction to the lack of the thing that you are addicted to causes you to feel bad. (what?)

In bullet form

  • Addiction - Assuming you are already addicted to caffeine.
  • Deprivation - Sleep a long time and do not absorb any caffeine.
  • Addiction kicks in - Headache, grumpy, tired.
  • Imbibe substance - Consume caffeine usually in the morning.
  • Addiction satisfied - The symptoms above go away. You feel better than you did.

The idea here is that if you give up caffeine and get used to not having it, the symptoms of addiction deprivation (not drinking caffeine) will go away and you will feel normal all the time. A worthy experiment.

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