It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Where is my Prize?

Al Gore now has a Nobel Peace Prize. He won it for work to do with climate change. What the hell? Notice very closely that this particular prize has NOTHING to do with science. Neither does the debate on climate change.

We are never going to hear the end of this idiot now. Gore is full of crap in my opinion. I'm so glad I don't have to back that up with fact. I don't feel like I need to back it up with fact because Gore doesn't back anything he says with any concrete. Why should I?

Oh, there are plenty of numbers floating around. There are a bunch of people saying science backs their claims. The first attempt of researching the numbers shows the vast gap between perception and reality. The only thing we know is that we don't know why it is getting warmer. Oh, wait. It isn't really getting any warmer. The current temperature changes fit right in with century by century fluctuations. Or, maybe they don't. It depends on who you talk to.

I know one thing for sure. I'm not making money on the climate debate. Gore is. Gore has turned bitching about a problem no one can disprove into a career.

Carter has a peace prize. Carter actually does stuff that is related to people not killing each other. Dare I say Carter deserves his peace prize? I can't bring myself... no ... OK, maybe he dose. Ouch! Maybe Gore's prize just makes the concept of Nobel Prizes seem worth less. Or is it worthless? It sounds right either way.

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