It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Lunch Conversation
It was all about the shooting in Virginia.
# Every one agreed that the frigging media is trying to vilify the school. What the hell is the school expected to do?
    o The police were investigating one shooting when the guy went somewhere else and started up again. There was a two hour window. That is not long enough to expect authorities to nab someone.
    o Someone interviewed a student and the questions were biased to get the person to answer in a manor to make the university look bad. The student answered with something like "What do you expect them to do?"
# Some kind of "lock down" order went out so people went inside, where all the shootings happened as far as I can tell. It looks like the suspect walked inside the building along side every one else.
# If every one on campus was required to carry a firearm, That guy would have gotten three shots off before being engaged.
# People are already sick if hearing about the case. What the hell does it have to do with "me"? Yes, it is a tragedy. Yes it is a horrible thing. At least NPR was running other news stories along side it this evening. You cannot dwell. Life must go on.
# There is about five minutes of news being shoved into a "24 hour coverage" cycle.
# That kid was a good shot. He only had a 9mm and a .22 and he killed nearly every one he hit as far as we could tell.
# Where are the people who raised him?
# He had written some disturbing stuff for assignments. (So have I)
# After Columbine, a counselor came on the radio and told people to pay attention to people they would normally not pay attention to. In other words, stop being a dick to people or they will eventually get pissed enough to shoot you.
# You can't trust English majors (I said something like this to Nat last night joking, but it appears I'm not the only person who thinks that is funny.)
I may have all my facts wrong. I have not been paying that close attention to be honest. I have too much else on my mind with family, work, taxes and life getting in the way of caring about some nut-ball screwing with my rights to own and bare arms. Prick. If I ever go nuts, I will not kill people with a gun. It's just too done these days. Will the next homicidal freak please come up with something interesting for the evening news to overplay. Better yet, get a blog. It is a great way to bitch and vent.

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