It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Contacts in my Dream
So, last night I had a dream. It apparently was zipping along boringly until I looked in a mirror. My contacts were turning black. They were turning my eye black. They were dirty.
I popped them out and took a look.It was the size of the lid on a peanut butter jar. It was nearly opaque with dark coal colored goop. I tried washing one of them with the contact fluid. It gave off glops of stuff. It turned the sink dark colors like a dirty toilet. It was getting bigger and blooming like a filthy plastic flower. It was the size of a dinner plate in large leaves of now clean clear stuff that contacts are made of.
I ended up planting it to grow a contact plant. Good way to save money. I wonder if they will be my prescription. I woke my self up laughing at myself.

Nat says I laugh sometimes in my sleep. What the hell kind of dreams are these? I suppose it is better than nightmares. Drivers Nat up the wall though.

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