It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Today was Friday. The strangest work day. I find people are in a hurry to get other people to finish things they are supposed to have done on Fridays.

They vs He She
I'm sick of people complaining when I use they to refer to a singular nuder person. There is no singular nuder pronoun in moder English. We can thank the frigging Catholic church for that. The frigging Christians were the worst instigators of women in history. Well,, Ganges con was pretty bad, but not on the massive scale of the Catholics. (Adam, leave a comment.) I remember reading somewhere that women could hold prominent positions in ancient civilizations. Some might joke "Ya, the dead ones." Give me a break.
Didn't "The" and "Thow" or other old English words fill this gaping vernacular hole?
I give up.


obiwanchunn said...

Here's a neuter pronoun: "Fucker". It's the wonder word. :) It's odd, but "Mutherfucker" is male, when you would expect it to be "female".

And the Catholic church isn't the one that male-ified everything. That came from a society where women typically died during childbirth. It wasn't until recently that women lived long enough to justify educating, or bothering to identify in written form.

obiwanchunn said...

Hey Kelly, could you edit my post and replace "Fucker" with "F***er" and "Mutherfucker" with "Mutherf***er". I know your mom reads this & I don't want her washing my typing fingers out with soap next time she sees me.

I know that replacing the "uck" with "***" turns a naughty word into wholesome goodness. :)