It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Well, we own a house. I'm sick of dealing with it to the point of not caring any more. Here are some gripes. None of these things are worth crying over. They are just things I need to deal with
# People walking through our driveway to get to the store on foot. That is going to have to stop. Either I need to extend the fence or put up some other kind of non-invasive barrier to prevent people from going through our property.
# The vacant lot next to us is only big enough for a small gas station. That is not going to be fun.
# We are  right next to the main road.
# The neighbors were sitting outside smoking pot at around nine thirty this evening. They seem like nice enough folk. Too bad Nat is violently allergic to marijuana.
# There is a storage facility of some kind behind us. It appears to be industrial. There are strip malls to the left and to the right.
# We were driving around after dark and noticed about three bands of roving hoodlums.
# We are basically a mile and a half from a mall. I've not heard of many places near malls that don't go down hill. That worries me.

Bullet Hole
Something that almost killed the deal is the bullet hole in the back window. I've listed some facts about the bullet hole that might be interesting to those out there in blog land.

The two stories about the bullet hole.

1) The first story is that the husband/boyfriend had an accident last Fall while cleaning a gun. It is a pistol round. I bet a .45 or so.
2) The first thing out of her mouth was denial. "It must have happened since I moved out." She said the police called her after the alarm went off. She has no idea what happened.

What might have happened

1) Her daughter looked like a hoodlum to me. She had the gang looking tattoos and just kind of fit the profile. I'm thinking she may have had a party that went nuts or a drug deal that went bad.
2) This woman and her boyfriend/husband were clearly at each other's throats. I bet he kicked in the front door (the door has been kicked in) and took a pot-shot over the bed to raise tensions.
3) Some of the local hoodlums broke in and shot up the place after it was vacant. There was evidence of mildew under the window, so it has been broken for a while. Hell, we patched it tonight with a sheet of plastic and some duct tape.
4) Nat just came up with a very likely scenario. The husband comes home to find his own front door latched. He hears a commotion in the master bedroom. He kicks in the front door only to discover his wife in bed with another man. He fires the gun in anger. Did he hit anyone? That would explain a lot. That would sum up several loose ends.

Running Scared
I am terrified. This is the biggest thing I've ever bought and I have a ton of reservations about it and the neighborhood. I have come to the conclusion that if we get broken into, I'm not going to replace things until I fortify the place. As it is, we have the alarm company's information. We are going to call them first thing tomorrow and get the service started up before we move a stick of furniture.

If you need to find out what kind of stuff has happened to a car, you can get hold of a place called carfax. Someone needs to come up with the same thing for homes and apartments. If a crime has been committed there  or the place has been gutted you should be able to find that out. If there are gangs that claim that area as their own you need to know it before your buy.
I better get started. That kind of information is worth some coin for some people.

Well, I'm off to bed. We need to get some sleep before tomorrow. We still need to talk with this apartment complex. Well, I'm not going to list all the crap we still need to do. We need to create a home in a house now. Hopefully everything works out.
Right now my neighbors in the next apartment are making  a bunch of noise. At least we only have one neighbor within earshot now. They look like a noisy crew, but the pot smoking will hopefully keep them to a dull roar.

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