It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


It feels magnificent outside. There are storms in the distance. I can see the lightning flashes as planes circle around the really horrible bits.
While standing out on my balcony, I heard my next door neighbor talking on the phone. She strikes me as about 24 or so. Her windows and doors were all closed, but the walls are thin. She said something to the effect "He said ... Then I said ... Can you believe ..." I assume she was talking to a girlfriend about some guy.
I'm watching a show about terrorism. It is called "The Grid". It has a bunch of known New York actors. It takes a liberal point of view of the whole tracking terrorists and the money. It has an NYPD Blues or maybe One of those New York Lawyer TV shows.
Then, I watched a Battlestar Galactica. One of the new ones. I don't have cable. A friend recorded it. So many shows about fear. This is a very special Battlestar Galactica. The blond (Starbuck) passed her boyfriend through training and he died because of it. He was also the son of the captain. She has to reconsolidated her self to train a bunch of green recruits. They get caught training out in the open and the show closes with a "To be Continued".
It's like 9:45 and all I want is another cup of coffee. I took a nap through most of today. Poker fell through last not. One of the guys said a $20 buy in wasn't worth his time. Fuck him. Go loose your money somewhere else. This is a friendly game. I'm pretty sure my beginner's luck has warn off. Someone told me I have so many tells that they are too confusing to track.

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