It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Software Fix
So there I was, I wrote a small program a million years ago to convert a VAX report (meant for a printer) to an Access database. The software works, but there are always foibles in the prints that make the data look funny. This time, some short tag names caused some dashes to show up funny in the database. I'm ran through the code and found where the problem was. What needed to happen is a re-write of a small section of code that handled the generation of these alleged tag numbers. Too bad, I don't have time for that. I added three lines of code that just fix the problem when it shows up. I bitch constantly when others do this. MS is known for patching output rather than fixing databases. It is just faster, and addresses the specific gripe of the boss looking over your shoulder at the moment.
Speaking of looking over my shoulder. I had both of my bosses come in and ask me how it was going on this one. There are two guys who are responsible for the data I manipulate. They both hung around waiting for the fix. It reminds me of Office Space "I have 8 bosses ..."
Let's see, I have S, my main boss whom I like to work for. Then there is R,S. and sometimes C, They are for packaging. T and J for Intools. I suppose that is about it at the moment. Every one else who gives me orders is either a one time thing, or goes through these people.

Whom to believe
I'm reading a book called The da Vincii code. It talks about how Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and how the Catholic church has covered it all up. It is a story I already heard. The book makes some compelling arguments. Honestly, I've wondered lately if I would see the fall of the Catholic church in my lifetime. It would kind of suck if the Vatican came out and said "We screwed up. We invented a male dominant religion for our own purposes. Everyone go back to Judaism. ... Sorry for the sixteen hundred years of lies." (read the book and you will get why it is sixteen hundred and not two thousand years)  I've said many times that I believe in God very much, but I don't put much faith in religion. God made Earth and people. People made religion. That is my two cents anyway.
It all boils down to whom you believe.

Oh My Blog!

I enjoy writing. I enjoy just hitting the keys and stuff popping up on the screen. It is an instant gratification thing I suppose. The trouble is having something to say. Sometimes I will have an idea in my head screaming to get out and the words just poor out on the page like blood from a wound. You can't stop them .Then there is the blank page. that is more frightening than, dare I say it, public speaking, to a writer. The nice thing about a blog is the bouncing flow. You can jump from one subject to the other without a seg-way and no one seems to mind.

1 comment:

CyndyMW said...

I DO have eight bosses, that I can count in any legitimate way possible.
