It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Talk Radio
I like talk radio, but I hate it when they talk to regular people. I like the interviews. I like the commentary. I like the news. I can't stand Joe Six-pack bitching about some political nuance that he heard about on Sesame Street. I listen to talk radio for the information and the opinions of professional radio people and experts in whatever field those being interviewed represent. They always let some hillbilly ask a question that makes every one look at each other. I just feel sorry for the fool they make of themselves.
In contrast, I like the BBCs approach of taking text messages and email on the air. At least you know the people writing in are semi-literate.

What a day
We went out for lunch this afternoon. It is a beautiful day. The humidity is low and the spirits are high. All we talked about was the rift between direct employees and contractors.

I was just thinking how I'm watching a lot less TV than I used to. The thing is, the tube is on in the background and I'm not paying attention to it. It freaks me out when look over and it is half way through an infomercial. The only thing I sit down and watch now is The Simpsons. It seems like all my favorite TV shows are off the air. Buffy, soon Angle follows, Family Guy, SG1 (is only on cable now), Futurama, Gosh, there are a dozen others. I would like to see a Starship Troupers series. I'd like a dark Sci-Fi series.

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