It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I am a pessimist and I am tired of people giving me shit about it. I have been a cynical pessimist all my life and I don't feel like changing now. Telling me that things are going to be all right or to see the bright side of things is like looking a leopard in the eye, pointing at a lion and saying “Lions don't have spots and they seem to do well.” Fuck lions.

I have a twitch in my lip. It has been hitting me off and on for a couple of days. I've had this kind of thing before in my fingers or legs. I know it is because I'm not eating right or something. I am so paranoid. The thought that it is Multiple Sclerosis or something will not leave my head. Can you imagine assuming the worst all the time. It is no wander I can't find a mate.
No wander I can't make it through a university. No wander I am mad all the time. Pessimists should get disabled rights.

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