It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Some days I want to Hulk out on people. Today I might Godzilla if crossed. (Not really, just wanted to say that on the blog.)

Greece has run out of other people’s money. That single payer healthcare system is not looking so great right now. It is cash and limp for the time being.

The real solution is to make it harder to get a D. Grades are divisive. They should ban them. Won’t someone think of the children?! When I was a kid, they messed with the grading system like this. It didn’t really make that much difference to me. Not sure if the numbers changed.

Toddler lost at sea. Rescued. Talk about put a lump in your throat. Really like the guy in charge of the rescue. Hell of a guy.

Thing is, I’m hearing whispers that the market suddenly leveled off. This smells funny to me. What if there is a Communist hand involved on that leveling off? What if there is some hand waving by some powerful officials to prevent bedlam in the streets. Only Chinese citizens are allowed to invest in much of that stock market so does it matter to we Americans and other foreigners?

Please work. I need driverless cars to work ASAP.

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