It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


VPN woes

I fired up my old laptop last night. I installed PlayOnLinux (a front end for Wine) and got Firefox for windows up and running with Flash on Ubuntu. I’m able to play Xfinity shows. Well, they play as well as my old crappy laptop will play them anyway. They try.

Let me tell you, my family will remember last night. I was swearing and throwing pillows at the TV. It turns out the install for Firefox on PlayOnLinux sucks. It has issues. If you make the mistake of running Firefox before Flash and the other thing install, you have to start all over. This happened several times while I was trying to get different settings to work.

I have been having the hardest time keeping my VPN up and running on Xfinity. I guess they assume you are using it for bad stuff and put some kind of byte count limit on VPN connections. It works better if I do not let very much go across the network. Bastards. The minute I get up the gumption to cut the cord I will.

It is awesome having the option to work from home. I can leave at a reasonable time from work if I have a ride and work the rest of the evening at home. It is a great boon to my psyche and emotional well being. When it  gets interrupted, all the pent up emotion comes out in a rush. That means I blow my top.

It all works just fine tethered off my phone. Who can afford taht?

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