It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



I know some people who honestly believe this signals the end of the world. I just don’t buy it. Israel the country has to be allowed to try to survive in the world. Some people just deny that.

It doesn’t matter how you reward people. They will figure out how to game the system at some point. How to pay teachers.

Just redefine the word “terrorist” and all will be well. Just because we both want the same people dead doesn’t mean we have aligning interests.

The tech jobs sector is the only sector growing in the U. S. I believe. l weSo, lets kill that as fast as we can shal?

I ran to McDonald’s for a quick bite at lunch, but my card got rejected. “Oh, shit.” I think and ran back to the office to call my credit card company. I was sweating another fraud alert. I was running through my recent charges on all my cards. All my online activity. They told me “Card reader error.” The card reader at McD’s was dirty.

There is no degree in having and raising your own kids because of two things.
  1. The concept of school is flawed for teaching anyone anything that matters. When you can judge results easily, education level breaks down compared to experience.
  2. The concept of raising children correctly is flawed because kids basically have to learn everything on their own and you have to provide an environment for them to do so. You can easily screw up kids. You have little effect on the end result otherwise.
Thus, the best education for having and raising kids is to have and raise some kids.

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