It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Half the people in government are screaming that banks should be encouraged to lend more money. The other half ot the government says the banks should be regulated to prevent lending to people who cannot pay the money back. The banks are caught in the middle suggesting to the many governments this applies to that said governments should make up their friggin minds.

Well, the sequester is going through apparently. The cuts are a drop in the bucket. They are talking more inflation of the money supply. This is called printing money or quantitative easing. This means the governments are choosing to steal from everyone who uses their currency. Well, perhaps steal is a bit harsh. It is taking, but it is legal.

I listened to a story from 1965 called “The Planet of the Vampires” that was about zombies on another planet. Man, they just knew how to do science fiction in the fifties and sixties. It was audio only, but I would lay money they used motorcycle helmets with visors for spacesuits.

Someone put in a ticket today complaining about popups in Internet Explorer. I had to stop myself from asking them if they had used a computer in the last thirteen years. come to find out it was something to do with the network asking for a login. Not popups. Still, an interesting case study in me holding my tongue.
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