It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Lunch conversation< 2012-08-03

No bulleted list this time. I need to convey the order of operations. The following list is in order of one thing lead to another.

Who watched the Olympics?

The North Korean fencing chick who got robbed came up first thing.

She had to wait on the stage while her handlers went to get the money to appeal the decision.

When they were denied she cried for 45 minutes. Yes, we did crack some very politically incorrect jokes about how every one she ever met was probably being detained pending her winning a metal, or her getting thrown from the airplane on the ride home. We are bad like that when unsupervised.

We started talking about the leader of North Korea. Someone asked how one of the guys at the table who was about the leader's age how he would act if he were the despotic leader of a corpse nation. He basically said he would act a lot like the current leader.

We did all seem to agree that we could give a shit about North Korea getting screwed on the metal, but we felt bad for the woman. On a side note, I could only feel bad for her thinking of all the people in North Korea starving and here she is trying to make this hell on Earth to look good in order to get her family that extra crust of bread. Now that is all shot to hell.

We also spoke of the badminton teams who tried to loose a couple matches in order to get better positioning in subsequent matches. Apparently the two Chinese teams didn't want to play one another.

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