It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Those who can, do. Those who cannot, teach. This is an old saying. It is rude, and it is only right about as often as it is wrong.

The order of filtration in university major for people with some propensity to math is as follows. Engineering, Computer Science, Liberal Arts, Education. I'm missing one in the middle.

If the market were not saturated, the pay would be higher for teachers. If the teachers were paid more, better qualified people would participate in education.

There is a huge movement to fire teachers who do not perform. They are firing teachers an hiring them back. They are watching their teachers and making sure people are teaching the kids. Maybe, it is not the students all the time. Maybe it has something to do with the teachers.

I had a couple of good teachers. One was a political science and government teacher. The other was a special education teacher. They both taught me to question and find answers. Research and find answers. Learn.

It is a very good thing to learn to question and find answers. This is very difficult to do in math. How do you find the answer to a calculus problem? You look up the problem and follow the instructions for finding the answer. In history, writing, government, the answers are not so black and white. It amazes me how many teachers never got that fact.

for the most part, I could not pick most of my teachers out of a lineup.

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