It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Frigging curbs

Nat gave me a ride in this morning. I had some food to bring for lunches. On the way, Nat pointed out a pickup pulling on to the median for no good reason. The median is overrun by tall grass. It was a personal truck, not a white work truck. This reminded me of all the times I've been in a vehicle that has climbed a curb or median.

Brian Notling and I drove over a median exiting a hole in the wall restaurant on some side street. We would have had to go all the way to the light to turn around. Screw that.

Cynthia W. and I were in her Honda when an ambulance came up behind us. She pulled on to the median to get out of the way. I was very worried about her low little car, but it did just fine.

My father and I were in a Jeep in the Medical Center. I needed to make an appointment either before or after my eye surgery all those years ago. My dad took a left over the median where a left turn lain was for the other way. This happened right in front of a cop. We went on our merry way.

I was riding with Greg in his Ford diesel. I don't remember where we were going. We were on a country highway. There was a wreck and the cop was directing trucks across the median ditch patch the wreck.

I vaguely remember blatantly plowing over a curb in Adam's old Buick. Surely it was more than once. We must have done it in his Acura too. My recall is failing me.

Playing CB tag requires many curb hops. I can't remember the specifics. Going hunting or shooting or just offroading with people makes for dozens more curb hops. These are not as bright in my memory because they were part of larger efforts.

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