It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Things missed

It is funny what I missed over the hurricane. One of the only things that I did not get that I kind of miss is some news. I didn't get a bunch of details about all the financial crap going on.  I feel like I missed something. The vast majority of everything else feels like water under the bridge. I want to know what is going on in the markets though.

When I download podcasts, the software grabs all it can that it knows has not been downloaded yet. This is a problem when I am out of the loop for a week. It downloads a couple hundred podcasts, only a couple of which I really want to listen to all the way through. These are things like The Writer's Almanac, Wakeup to Money and the BBC film reviews. There are probably some others. Most of them I will just let flow under the bridge.

One of the guys at work described his Ike adventures to me. His place is butted right up to a bunch of trees and his neighbor has been out of town for a while and did not bring in all the stuff on her balcony. His power, cable and internet were out for days. The first couple of hours were tough. That first Saturday evening was hot and humid.

The storm did no damage that he knows of to his place. He was just camping a couple of days in his living room. He said that he listened to a football game on the battery radio. Red books by candle light. Ended up with all the windows open. When the power came back on, he was grateful, but felt a little nostalgic.

I wonder hoe many of those kids who all roamed around my parent's neighborhood are still out of doors having fun in the sunshine five minutes after cable and internet switch back on.

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