It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Wade is a guy who does everything at work. He is the guy who knows it and can fix it. It's pretty cool. He is humble about it most of the time. He has that laid back southern guy feel about him too. He is a cool, knowledgeable, capable man. This can be a bad thing sometimes. Wade has to be on call a lot because he is so capable. As a matter of routine, he misses lunch and breaks. He has to stay late on projects. You know the story.

So, I'm walking though the lunch room yesterday on my way to the lab and there is Wade. He is sitting at his normal spot with his lunch in front of him. It is lunch time. I couldn't help but say "Wow, you get a lunch?" in a joking manor. I chuckle and walk on about six more steps. A page comes over the intercom "Wade blah blah blah..." calling Wade off to perform his magic. I slinked off and hid in a lab.

This morning I met Wade at the coffee machine and we joked about his revenge. He says he will take his time plotting. It might be years before I know I got, got. He was smiling when he said it, but that might be part of it. Sounds like I need to ad patient to that description of Wade above.

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