It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



We have an awesome new admin at work. There was nothing wrong with the old admin, he just needed to move on to bigger things. The new admin seems to know his stuff. He also seems willing to apply it and help out when needed. that is a great asset.

I got my first opportunity to work with him today. I don't think he has ever used Linux for any length of time. That's fine. I like what he is doing on the Windows side of things.

He made a comment that upset me. He didn't mean to upset me. I should have taken it more in stride, I'm used to it. He said that most companies that use Linux have a Windows box next to them for the normal office stuff. He is right. That doesn't make it right. I think that is a huge waist of money. I said so. He came back with a comparison that it is just a $300 box that lets you do stuff on the Windows side. I let it go from there, but I was thinking that it is not $300. It is $300 for the box and $700 for office and the trimmings. That does not include the recycling of two computers over the cost of just one. That does not include the power and maintenance on two computers over the cost of just one. Yadda, yadda, The only reason Linux doesn't run MS software is because MS doesn't want it to. If that fact sticks in your craw, like me,  then you should try Linux.

The good news is that at work we are experimenting with some email system upgrades. I'm not sure if we will get them, but it is nice having someone look in to it.

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