It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Video vs Photos
It really is a whole different world shooting video vs photos. Only a precious few rules cross the divide. How light works. For example, the concept of a longer exposure makes for brighter image, but fuzzier motion. Also the concept of focus and f-stop make the leap. However. framing a shot, capturing the thing that is interesting. making a statement with what is in front of you. Make what is not there shine through. These things are completely new. I have shot some test videos and I notice that they suck. I wonder if I will pick up on the little things that make a better video.

I cannot imagine being without a country. I was reading a ton of blogs during the feminine invasion this Saturday. On one of these blogs was a quote from someone that said "Without a country a man is nothing." I wish I had captured where that come from. I was many pages away when it hit me. That is the one thing I don't feel I have to worry about. I said to Nat only today that "I did not realize how fortunate was I that I cannot see the expressions on people's faces when they are not happy with me." She tells me about every person who gives her a nasty look while she is driving. She swears she can read lips too. Maybe there is something to this whole legally blind thing.

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