It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Video Camera
I ordered the video camera. It is not the highest rated camera, but I don't have the $1000 to get one of those. I need an intro camera that I can learn with. If I start making money with the damn thing I'll get something that is worth the effort. I'm getting it from a brick and mortar vendor via the Internet. I gave up on buying it from a person on eBay. I'm learning there are some things that you save money on with eBay and some things that basically sell for retail. I really think some of those cameras on eBay are stolen. They nick the camera. They turn in the rebate then fence the camera on eBay. How convenient. I have a problem buying a camera that just might be stolen.

97 days and counting. We have four kilts to obtain. We have rings to worry about. We have to get a dragon suit for the ring barer. We have to find some wings for Elle. Oh, and the nine million other things to take under consideration. It is exciting. Trying, but exciting.

1 comment:

CyndyMW said...

Completely random comment, but your talk of costumes reminded me of this. I saw a TV show tonight where the guy took his cat to a costume contest. The animal that won was a bulldog dressed like a Victoria's Secret model, complete with wings (that had feathers!) and a pink thong.

Why is there no bulldog in your wedding? Now THAT would be something! :)