It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Fraud on eBay
We are getting screwed by some people on eBay. I've noticed some scams that Nat stumbled across. Fortunately, Nat has a head on her shoulders and hasn't gotten bitten yet. We are actually threatening legal action against someone not from eBay.

* Friday evening, we went shopping for wedding stuff.
* Saturday we wen to Kinko's and put invitations together all day. I tied three whole boxes of little tiny bows on bubble bottles.
* Sunday we went to a Mary K party. I hung out with the Dad's. We talked about hybrid cars and spare parts. Then we went and ate Mexican food at some restaurant that I've eaten at before. I don't remember the name. It was pretty good.

Nice Bike, er, Mower ... =\
lawn mower motercycle hybridClick the image to enlarge

From the Article
Definitely looks cooler. No doubt easier to use than walking. But the hazards remain. The blade, instead of being out in front, is now spinning like a dervish just beneath your little piggies, and you can step down right beside it instead of away from it. The blade is still capable of ejecting rocks and sticks at terminal velocity into the eyes of nearby kids and pets. If it gets jammed, it may be even harder to get to than a regular mower blade.
Naysayers. Just leave it at "cool".

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