It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Today there are a bunch of women in my apartment. I'm the only guy among 5 women. Julie and her little girl. Nat and Elle. Then there is Ronnie. They are folding the invitations. I'm stewing in my juices. I tried helping and got yelled at. I tried avoiding the whole thing and got yelled at. I put together an air mattress for Elle. Ronnie ended up do int it correctly. She also figured out that it is supposed to have the outside thing put on before you blow it up. I videoed a few seconds. The baby is crying. Elle was mesmerized momentarily by the graphics that play while music plays in MS media player. I need a glass of wine. Between the chamber music playing in the background, the child screaming at the top of her lungs, Elle bouncing around on her new air mattress, and the women gabbing ninety miles an hour, my head is about to explode. Welcome to family life Kelly. This is what you wanted, right.


obiwanchunn said...

You need a bottle of *beer* Kelly. Not wine. You are hanging around chicks too much.

Celtic Gypsy said...

No he was drinking wine before me. I drink beer, whiskey, etc. I like very few wines. While he loves wine. Remember HE was the one that decided to put you guys in kilts for the wedding. Oh yeah, yours will be here in a week or so.