It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Here come the lawsuits

The family of a Brazilian man shot dead by armed police officers at a London subway station say they are considering legal action.

The article goes on to describe a connection between the first set of attackers and the second set. Apparently, they all went white-water rafting together.
This kind of reminds me of the L. A. bank robbers. They were actually trying to kill a bunch of people and were shot dead by police. The family of those assholes has been trying to cash in ever since. This situation is quite a bit different. This guy came out of a watched apartment block (not unlike mine). Then went to the tube station and got asked a bunch of questions by the cops. Now, his visa had expired, so he starts to freak. Had he taken off the other direction, out of the station, he might still be alive. Perhaps cops should corner suspects so they will not run into the trains or other crowded areas.
I do kind of like the stance the government is taking. They say "Look, shit happens when you are trying to protect from suicide bombers." Well, that is not an exact quote, but I like it. I hope they use the situation to nab some other criminals. It might be nice if the bad guys of all kinds are afraid to set foot on the tube.

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