It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I really think my mom is hitting my site and clicking on multiple pages to pump up my counter.

I'm watching this series called Lexx. It is a poorly shot scifi TV show. The characters are shallow and the plots are kind of stupid. The chick is hot. She has a sexy accent of the German kind. I have a thing for German chicks. Wait, it isn't just German chicks. How do you spell "gkgkrgkrgkrkkrow"?
For the longest time I would have swore the Kai character was plaid by child of Kieth Carradine (Kung Fu, he plaid Grasshopper), but I was way off.
This show is terrible, but I can't stop watching it. I'm not even watching them in order, and it doesn't matter. They are repetitive and predictable. I can't stop! Well, there is some nudity.

I said yesterday that I was trying very hard not to freak over Monday's work. Well, I did get allot done. I didn't get much done at the same time. It is funny how things work out like that. I figured out how to fix the one trouble that was really driving me up the wall. As normal, fifteen new things came up. It is like that. Feast or famine. Well, feast or feast lately. It is better to be busy.
The battery on my MP3 player died on the walk in to work this morning. Oh, it was raining, and muggy too.  I was happy on the way home. I had no MP3 player. It was raining. I mentioned to myself that it is a rare day that I'm in a better mood leaving work than on the way in.
When I got home, I ordered some comfort food in the form of hot-wings. I stumbled around the apartment and didn't get a damn thing constructive done. I finished an audio book.

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