It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Credo of the Long Lived King
I'm paranoid, but am I paranoid enough?

I'm listening to The Ringworld Engineers. This is the second book in the series. The Ring World series is fiction about a "world" built by intelligent beings to eliminate overcrowding. I forget the dimensions, but it is something like a million times the surface area of Earth and nearly every inch of it is habitable. Nice idea. Inherently unstable though. Too many characters really. I don't the portrayal of sex. The sex scenes seem to be out of place. The author seems to have a hang up about inter species matting. It gives me the willies. (that didn't sound right) I like the description of everything. You can tell this book was written by a math major. Not just by the numbers, but by the way things are described. ]

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