It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Birthday Lunch
They had a birthday lunch for Cynthia and myself today. I couldn't go, because I wanted to work through lunch to get off in time to meet some friends for dinner. Not two minutes after every one left for lunch, my friend calls me and has to cancel. So, I miss out on both. Figures.

The company I work for is on a kick to make everyone swipe their badge to get out of the place as well as in.  I wish they would just implement a stinking time clock. If you are going to yell at people for the time they spend some where just come out and keep track of their time. I'm avoiding the front door. I've heard the term "Badge Nazi" used. There is no turn style or locked door to remind/make you swipe your badge at the front door. They have revolving doors on the side of the building. Those seem to work for the intended purpose. I wish they would follow through on things like this a bit better. It seems like the whole keeping track of people is half-hazard. I say do it or don't do it. Don't go half way and then complain both ways against the middle. What do I know.

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