It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


User 2.0
As an IS guy, I complain constantly about users who have no clue. I know in my heart, they are why I have a job. To tell you the truth, the users who have an idea are worse then the ones who know nothing. Those who know enough to get into trouble typically cost more time than the clueless. Then, there are the truly knowledgeable users. Yes, there are people out there who get it, and use it to their advantage. These are the worse of all. I can't snow them. They only need me because the company mandates some one in IS do the dirty work. They only need me because they want some one to blame when it all burns down.
Engineers make me sick sometimes. You never know what you are going to get when you get a question from an engineer. I had an engineer who didn't know you could drag and drop shortcuts on the start menu in XP. I had another who refused to understand why he didn't have rights to part of a database. "You are an electrical engineer. Why do you want to change steel?" They put rights in the database for a reason. "What idiot put this explosion fence in the way of my conduit?!? <delete>!"
Explosion radius diagrams are funny. Funny in that "Oh my God!" kind of way. They will have a print of a plant with these circles all over the place. Some overlap. Then, in some rare cases, there is a tinny print of a plant in the middle of the page with this biiiiiig circle expanding in all directions. "hmmm. Check out the highway running through the middle of the circle."

Pretty Day
It is a beautiful day outside. It is a bit humid, but it would be great to sit under an awning at a small restaurant sipping a beer, instead of sitting in a dingy office taping these damn keys over and over, dealing with people, dealing with computers, dealing with the phone. It is a beautiful day outside. It would be great if I could go out and play. God save me. Can I be productive and still enjoy myself? Am I not to enjoy myself? Am I to toil for eternity? Have I lived this day over and over again? Did I do something to offend? I'm sorry.

Work Email
With all these email viruses and worms my day job is freaking out. It takes ten hours to get an external email to a vendor. I have had to use my gmail account a couple of times to get license codes and information in a timely manor. It is hurting business.

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