It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I just got back from training. We went over one of the products for the new company. It has plenty of issues, but there are no show stoppers. Most of the troubles we hit today were infrastructure, interface, and procedure. Those are all fixable. The products will help us provide a solution for document searching. MS wants to get into the search business. They want to add search to the operating system that will allow networks to access and track everything users do and produce.  It doesn't sound too bad. The trouble is, they will not open up the technology to any one else. What I've seen of the new MS technology. it is lacking. MS is trying to mimic Google. However, Google is lacking too. The product we are developing is far superior. Google can be part of it. Ours is far more robust.

Higher Deffinition TV (UHDTV)
This article makes me sick. I read somewhere that the most connected country in the world is South Koria. This is because the dumpped a bunch of money into a brand new network in the last couple of deccaids. They didn't have an existing network to get in the way.  We in the U. S. have to overcome the existing system to improve our phone and Internet. The network would spread faster if the old network was never built. The same thing is happening in th TV world. Between the TV loby and th e movie industry freaking out, we may never get HDTV. Did you know HDTV is 40 years old?

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