It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Sick at work
A buddy of mine came by the office this morning and asked if I wanted to grab some breakfast. She looked terrible. I almost said terrible. I, at the last second, said "You look  ... tired." It turns out she is under the weather. She came by later looking for a decongestant.

Bush is in Europe talking to the UN among others about all kinds of political stuff. The big story seems to be all th protesters. If I were in change, besides all the nukes I would through at the piss ant mongrel hoards in our way, I would thank the protesters for exorcising their rights.

I deserve ...
Nearly half of all murders are never solved. That means there are some murderers out there who will never pay for their crimes on Earth What you deserve has nothing to do with it..I think we get lulled into thinking that we deserve, or don't deserver things. A friend of mine says jokingly when he does something stupid or mean "The one's who deserve it never get it.". If you stop and think about it, if you believe that you deserve something, you believe in fate, or karma, Fate and karma go hand in hand. I believe in God. I believe God has a plan. The trouble is, it is Gods plan, not mine. I really should stop complaining.

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