It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Here is another reason to get a digital camera. Read close to the bottom on how the British solder was nabbed.
Cool site shows you how to make you PC look like a Mac.

My life is a conundrum. I want a relationship, but I don't want the pain of loss when things go wrong. I want sex, but I don't want the relationship around the sex because of the pain of loss. I can't bring myself to sleep around. I don't know why. I'm just old fashioned I suppose. Maybe I'm afraid it will lead to a relationship, and thus the pain of loss. I find myself hanging out with women who are taken. This is a bad, bad thing. If it were to lead to something, that is bad. I won't let it lead to anything because that might tern into a relationship, and I can't allow that because of the pain of loss. It's getting to the point where I don't want to hang out with my friends because they all have some one. All I want to do is go home and sleep or spend hours (and I mean hours) on the computer and disappear from the rest of the universe. When I'm on the computer it is like I don't exist. I become part of the network.
I'd tern queer, except I wouldn't be any better at that.
I would get into drugs or become an alcoholic, but I'm too cheap.
The worse pat is, I don't want to break out. Every time I think about the things that will get me out of this looping rut, I just end up back on the computer or asleep. The thought of using a dating service makes me think less of myself. Dating services are for people with an ear in the middle of their forehead.  The 8 minute dating thing stresses me out just thinking about it. That is how brokers and TV personalities find each other.
Please don't send suggestions. I just want to vent.

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