It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I like the rain
It has been raining like mad for the last several days. The ground is saturated. The water fills up the streets with every cloud that passes over. The little lake behind my work is over it's banks. Everything outside is muddy or, at least, wet through and through. The funny thing is, I love it. I know people who get depressed in a long bout of rain. I don't know. I have an old program for my computer somewhere that generates rain and rainstorm sounds. It does a pretty good job. A buddy of mine is from Oregon. She said once a long bout of rain made her a bit homesick. I suppose if I worked outside I would hate the rain. I work in an office where there is every effort to eliminate any sort of environment. Everything in this office is cold and lifeless. It all smells like disinfectant.
Another buddy said the only wrecks he has ever had were when it just started raining. The oil is picked up by the first rain drops and before it has a chance to run off the road with the water, it is slick as ice in some spots.

Goofy Writers
What is the fascination with Amnesia? I'll bet there are more people in movies and books with amnesia than in real life.

This guy is a prick! He stole a bunch of AOL customer information by getting a job with AOL and selling the information to a spammer. He was not authorized to get the data, He stole that too. I've thought about this kind of thing before. Who is stopping MSN from doing the same thing? I think AOL should be held libel for letting the information out somehow. They should be forced to protect their customer's data. When you screw up, you pay. The article said he got $100,000 for one of the chunks of data. If he gets less than two years, others will not be detoured.

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