It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Best Dollar Spent
I've said before that the best way to spend a dollar for the Republican party was to donate it to Nader. Well, some one picked up on it. That is how Bush won Florida. If it hadn't been for the independent taking something like 10,000 votes away from the democrat, we would have a different president. Think of all the things that would be different now if that had happened. We would not have invaded Iraq. We would probably not done what we did in Afghanistan. .

The Register
You have got to read this if you have ever done any IT or support work. The Register has a couple of columns they run. This one is just for fun.

Have you heard about the two guys on the International Space Station? These guys had to go outside to repair a malfunctioning piece of equipment. That may sound like a day in the office for and astronaut, but they are the only two people on the station. They are the only living entities for hundreds of miles. The first time they tried it, one of the suits failed in mid walk. They had to run back inside. They are using the same suit that had the problem. They had to communicate in Russian while they were over That part of the world and English over Houston. If there was a problem with communications, ground control was going to wave the mechanical arm to get their attention. There are supposed to be three people on the station when it is in use, but there is only enough life support for two. Is it me, or is this multi-billion dollar pile of lowest bids starting to sound like a hoopty?

The Chronicles of Riddick (spoiler)
This movie was exactly what it said on the side of the box. Rock. I hope they do some more on this theme. There is another Riddick movie out now called Dar Fury. It is good too. I recommend them both for those like minded individuals who like a tender boy meets girl, girl gets killed, boy takes over universe by accident type flicks.

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