It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


It's happening here.

Welcome to Communism. Well, first you get Fascism and then settle down to anarchy. The anarchy is replaced with you begging for order and that is replaced people telling you how to live every moment of your life, how and what  to teach your kids, who to prey to, how to wipe your ass, who you live with, where your live, where you work, what you eat.

I don't think people consciously thought it couldn't happen in the U. S.. I believe they just got busy thinking about every distraction in the universe. and stopped paying attention a long time ago.

Why now? Because China has been playing the long game for the last 35 years or more. I'm not sure when the process began. It is normal in China for business people to make a thousand year plan. It is basically how they think their decisions today will affect things in 1, 5, 10, 100, 1000 years. Oh, hand the answer better finish with something like "... thus making the China government more powerful."

I remember a story about Russian Jews coming to Israel. They called themselves Jews. They had bee persecuted for generations in Russia. They pretty much knew nothing about Judaism.

This is all Maoism. It is Maoist Cultural Revolution 101. They started by teaching our kids that making money and being a leader were racist and killing the planet. "The generation before your is handing your a bunch of debt and setting you up for failure." Thus, any decision the older generation makes is wrong and is really designed to enslave you.

The goal has been divide and conquer. The goal has been to destroy the juggernaut that was the U. S. economy and make things so bad that people will beg for order.

What is the solution? I'm not going to tell your here. Like I'm going to make myself a target by offering a solution. There is no do over. There is only do or do not do. I choose to breath. I choose to live. I choose to suceed. Even in Communism, it is survival of the fittest. The slogans are lies. They are manipulation.. They are threats. Heroes are dead people.

Eyes open. Ears open. Stay fed. Learn. Prepare Survive.

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