It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



I have completely lost the muse for vlogging. No one watches the fucking videos. No one wants to be in the videos with me. I’ve put up several hundred. I have nothing left to complain about.
I went out at lunch today to the parking garage looking for drive to say anything to the camera. Nothing came. As a matter of fact, I could only think about work and wanted to get back to it to try something. I’m just stuck with blinders on.

Just hand the keys to our enemies. Oh, wait, that is exactly what we did.

They will have to outsource this soon. Wonder if China could take care of that for us. Elle’s dad is a chopper pilot.

It’s called by the book. If you don’t like it change the book.

Go Texas. Taking on the security of our own border because the federal government won’t.

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