It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Had a pretty good Labor day. didn’t get much done.
Whistle blower punished for exposing child sex and forced (is there any other kind with children involved?) prostitution ring.

I tried to send a tweet today. The tweet failed to go through . Now I cannot remember what the hell I was talking about. Frigging Twitter app doesn’t save anything if it fails. Don’t they realize this shit means something to people these days? Does Twitter not take Twitter seriously?

Ignorance: “If you keep killing the enemy, we won’t have anyone left to negotiate with.”

The politics of nude pictures. Actually, this is all about privacy and the fact that Apple and other phone companies do not give a rat’s ass about their customer’s.

I’m hearing that a drug that came from tobacco plants is being tested in the Ebola outbreak in Africa. I’m also hearing it takes several months to make even a small number of doses. Sounds fishy. It isn’t like there is a shortage of tobacco plants. It does sound like there is a shortage of relatively wealthy people with the disease.

Laugh of the day. Got to be a setup, still funny.

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