It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Americans do not like self checkout.

I looked at BitCoins for the first time today. I’ve been hearing about them for some time. I kind of like the idea, but I’m terrified of the fear that governments will throw at the idea of people taking control of their lives and bypassing the federal government. This will smell like taking power away from the establishment. This will freak out the powers that be.

BitCoin also smells like a world currency. Isn’t this one of the signs of the apocalypse? Wasn’t the mark of the beast really encryption?

Tobacco is legal. 29 states have laws that prevent companies from denying employment based on tobacco use. That means 21 states do not such laws. I’ve never smoked. Never picked up the habit. This is based on healthcare costs. Having kids is very expensive. Will it become a requirement that you promise not to have kids the first couple years when taking on a new job?

I just started looking at my Goals at work. I have no idea.

Nat got one of the online HBO packages. I have actually watched more movies in the last couple weeks than  I watched all of last year.

Finding that there is no way to remove words from the dictionary in Google Drive (Google Docs), I am very careful adding them. Today, I finally added “than” because it was driving me nuts not being in the english dictionary. Now watch, I misspelled it.

I tested a couple chat web pages at work today. People want ways to talk to outside people. The web pages work, but the phone aps are verboten on the company network. People do not like listening to that.

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