It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.




These devices have altered how people document their lives. By today, we find ourselves watching boths sides of a war kill one another. We watch people talk about their lives. We watch the world recorded one person’s experience at a time.

In that Wikipedia article there is a picture down the right hand side of the page of a two piece Betamax system from the early eighties. My middle school had one. It was black and white. It was cool.  It weighed 35 pounds. We used it to video school events. I was in a class that got to just play with it. I remember seeing my face on the TV after the teacher aimed the camera at us explaining how it worked. She was recording without telling us.

My life has been changed by my blog and my vlog. They have different audiences. The blog is to the world and to prosperity. I have a feeling that the text at least will stick around for a very long time in archives somewhere. The vlog on the other hand will vanish when YouTube starts charging for posting and I refuse to pay the bill. I accept this.

There are things you just cannot project in text only. It is fun to shoot and edit the videos. it is fun to get some of the comments.  I’ve turned on approval on some of my videos due to the number of trolls on the net. That is another blog post.

The side effect of all this freedom is people wanting to limit your freedom. Not everyone who is shooting a video on the street is a terrorist or a pedefile. Some people are just shutterbugs who like to take video of stuff to help them relive good times and share the experience with people who are not there at the time. I believe that eventually all governing bodies will want to govern everything that can be governed and then they make up things to govern. We need a reset button.

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