It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Get this. I'm using Unity on Ubuntu. I've come to the conclusion that it sucks about as much as Gnome 3 in design, but is just a bit more buggy. The thing that sent me over the edge is the mouse upper left corner in Gnome 3. Just moving your mouse to that corner opens the menu. I move my mouse to the closest corner of the screen in order to find the cursor. You can't turn this off so I would have to move it to the upper left corner twice, once would activate the menu, then again to deactivate the menu. Not sure this would upset any one else on the planet, but it drove me away from Gnome 3 to Unity.

Got a free lunch today. Lance bought me a Jimmy John's sandwich for shooting their gig last Saturday. I told him it was a pleasure, but he would not take fuck off for an answer. It was awesome. I forgot how much I like their sandwiches. I would have done the videos and editing for nothing. As I type this, we have 100 hits on the first video. The rest of them are around 30 or so. I just put two up last night and they are still around 6 hits. Up and coming I say. John put up a video of him screwing around with a video game and got 16000 hits.

One of the podcasts I listen to names his computers. I never named my computers. The same reason cowboys didn't name their horses. They may need to eat it one day. I may need to cannibalize the box to get something done. I don't want to feel like I know it.

Yesterday, as I exited the building to go home, I stopped at an office across the hall because I heard some not work discussion. We ended up talking about DnD and plucking nose hairs. For this, I made my wife and child wait an extra five minutes out in front of the building. Elle did the "I'm hungry" dance and Nat didn't get it on video.

It turns out heavy metal is very popular in South America. Heard an interview with Megadeath. One of the guys in Megadeath is Lutheran. He grew up in the mid west. He went to school to be a paster.

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